This is a short video I made using some of my favorite iwara contents.Thank you Iwara for letting me into a new world.此视频为用了一些我很喜欢i站视频内容,致敬所有iwara上的天才创作者们。Every single clip is credited in the top left corner,make sure to check out their works if you see something you like but never seen, and leave a like for them!所有的片段都已经在左上角标注了作者,如果看到感兴趣的,别忘了去作者主页瞅瞅,并给他们点个赞![Credits]バッチモ鉄壁ライン, Account no longer exist)【剪辑不易,如果喜欢可以赏一下。】【Support me on Patreon if you like my videos, totally up to you. Nothing exclusive.】