警告:视频中可能含有令人不适的内容!Warning: Video may contain uncomfortable content !@IGeneralButchI 大佬的合集制作,类似抖音风格的视频吧。最开始想往上面加一点不明所以的英文LOGO,但是看了一下有点影响视觉感官。GB大佬的离去是最可惜的了,我还蛮喜欢他的视频。他的模还蛮有特色的,不说全网独一,至少也是首创吧。希望后续能有“继承者”,也希望这个视频能给大家带来享受。在此,借此视频纪念 @IGeneralButchI 大佬。All video materials are from @IGeneralButchIThe video style is similar to tiktok@IGeneralButchI\'s retirement is the most regrettable thing. I like his video very muchI hope you can enjoy this video.Similarly, I take this video to commemorate @IGeneralButchI.如有侵权,请联系我删除。If there is any infringement, please contact me to delete.