前回罪店長により奴隷として飼われることになってしまった雪泉、叢(´;ω;`)ウゥゥそして罪店長経営のコンビニにおいて裏商品として取り扱われるトラとウシという商品名でコスプレさせられた二人は1発10万と高額ながらも孕ませれば所有権を得られるとして毎日何十人もの人に買われるのであった。って感じのストーリーイメージです。二人の孕むことに関しては動画でもある程度流してますが、とある秘薬を使用しており受精率が極端に下がる代わりに受精した場合女性に淫紋が現れるようになっています。それを利用し、淫紋を出した方に所有権をあげるという特典を掲げて大儲けしようとしている罪店長って感じですね。( ̄▽ ̄;)ただ孕む確率は概ね1万分の1だそうです。(;´・ω・)後、奴隷っというか買われる家畜的な感じの為、動物コスプレしてもらっています。( ´艸`)今回作成時間があんまりなかったためちょっと動きが少ない動画1本となってます(;´・ω・)__________________________________________________________Yumi and Murakumo are kept as slaves by the previous sin manager.And they are treated as backstage products at the convenience store run by the manager.The two girls, who were made to cosplay under the trade names "tiger and cow," were bought by dozens of people every day for the high price of 100,000 yen per shot, but if they were impregnated, they could gain ownership of the store.This is the image of the story.The impregnation of the two is also shown in the movie to some extent, but a certain secret medicine is used so that a lewd print will appear on the woman when she is impregnated, instead of the fertilization rate being extremely lowered.The secret medicine is used to make a lewd print appear on the woman when fertilization occurs instead of a drastically reduced fertilization rate.The manager is trying to make a lot of money by taking advantage of this and offering the privilege of ownership to those who produce the lewd prints.But the probability of impregnation is generally 1 in 10,000.I have them dress up as animals because they are more like slaves or livestock to be bought.This time, there was not much time to make this video, so it is a little less dynamic than the previous one.Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)