Hi guys! Finally the video is done! I put a lot of work on it, i didnt like it completely yesterday to be honest because my brain was over looking for mistakes but i watched it today and i think it is pretty nice, it has some issues like the reflections not being good enough(i really tried to fix it but no luck) but i think a lot of thinks were made decently too so hope you enjoy it, like always im open to any criticism, i will try to improve in every video, thats my way to do this, i feel like the body animation is a bit better than Phut hon video, similar to Thumbs Up, what do you think? I tried to add really good angles and i took my time improving the deformation of Kangxis lower body to make her look the best possible in each pose, i added manual animation to the boobs to make them look softer, i animated some interactions with Kangxi and her body/clothes too, anyway thank you so much for your patience, i will try to make another video as soon as possible, take care guys.Song : Gishinanki 「疑心暗鬼」Vocal : 96猫 and EVO Model: YYBDance motion : 疑心暗鬼モーション by のあき - BowlRollCamera : 疑心暗鬼 - Camera Motion by DG-RINER - BowlRoll Edited by me.Special mention to GFS MMD who gave me his GPU, thanks to him my workflow for Blender videos has improved a lot. He makes cool videos too, i let you his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHMNyEwC_ZcikfLt3hBo_GgAnd Death Joe Productions who use to help me with doubts about Blender and modeling: https://twitter.com/DeathJoeProduct1366x768p DL: https://mega.nz/file/fQBlnApa#EV7jbiICyl_UaJSk3KjJ9M4PqB_9NaNbE2bpOzIeyiM4K and 1080p are already on patreon.If you want to help me to create more content you can do it here, any help is appreciated, you will find better quality too:https://www.patreon.com/SHK100You will find White Dress, Full Nude and Spanish version there too!You can find more content here:Discord: https://discord.gg/rmkemewYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW9lCxJ9yMqU8WKUgeDguVADeviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/sharkxvTwitter: https://twitter.com/SHK1002PR Twitter: https://twitter.com/SHK100_pr