
Mamako - Red Flavor

  • 投稿日:2022/10/9
  • 8429 再生
  • 248 いいね


This might be the best Mamako video I have made,which isn\'t saying muchconsidering how buggy and bad the other two were xDThe lighting is decent,until you see the back,Idk what happend there.The model works surprisingly well,I remembered it having a lot of problemsbut whatever.Too bad the breasts and deformations look a bit odd.I recently found an MMD model ofAncient Gear Golemand I just had to make a video of it. xDI always liked Ancient Gear Deck,tho I have never actually watched Yu-gi-oh GX haha.I got a few comments/suggestions aboutwhat viewers like to see.From what I got,varing facials expressions and (suggestive) stripping seems to be important.I think I\'ll make a survey starting next week,to get more feedback.My main problem is thatI really don\'t know what my viewers like to see.I currently just rotate throughEarlette -> Noelle -> flat model -> busty modelbut I don\'t even know if that\'s any good.I do get comments like "nice" or "I like xy model"but I\'m not sure what is nice or why they like xy model.If I do something that you really like or dislike or I should/shouldn\'t do,feel free to tell me in the comments or DMs.I can\'t promise I\'ll be able to follow all suggestionsbut it would give me more artistic direction :3Info\nCreditsAssetNameCreatorModelMamakoヨシュアグレイスStageStage 102NatTadamutsMotionRed Flavor村正。 muramasa4429CameraRed Flavor Cam히히단Audio빨간 맛 (Red Flavor)Red Velvet (레드벨벳)ToolsEditingRenderingAnimatingOtherMikuMikuDanceBlenderMikuMikuMovingShutter EncoderPMXEditormmd_toolsMikuMikuMoving PluginsAudacityVMDサイジングmmd_uuunyaa_tools--