
2212【中出请愿 Lamb】SD-S Xcum Sof【LBoyx铠甲娘】(by WDisland)

  • 投稿日:2022/12/3
  • 45580 再生
  • 1259 いいね


【LBoyx铠甲娘】测试成果。【LBoy X Armor Girl】Test results.差分【LFutax兔女郎】https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/awgozh7gqjsvqbwpb···目前练习成这样,大致能看了。模型改的乱七八糟,铠甲越来越复杂,最后突然醒悟,我是来做H的啊,又不是真的需要全副武装,于是铠甲娘的铠甲精简了下。新制作的肩甲在抬手时总是戳进脑袋里,修改了不少骨骼和权重。话说改完后好像斩服少女啊(捂脸)男方本来是用的罪袋,后来突然找到Len的模型,话说这效果还可以,至少没有太奇怪的扭曲变形了。重新学习了渲染,大致明白了打光的一些用途。参考了下别人的作品,越发察觉自己的差距。算了,能看,就这样,我累了。葛优瘫.jpg·Google Translate:At present, practice is like this, which can be called a work.The model modification was messy, the armor became more and more complicated, and finally suddenly woke up. I came to do H, but I didn\'t really need a full armed forces, so the armor of the armor girl streamlined.The new shoulder armor always poked into her head when raising her hand, so I modified a lot of bones and weights.It looks like "Kill La Kill" after changing it (covering his face)The man was originally used in a sin bag. Later, I suddenly found Len\'s model. The effect was okay, at least not too strange to distort it.After re -learning rendering, I generally understand some of the use of light. With reference to the works of others, I more and more aware of my gap.Forget it, I can see, that\'s it, I\'m tired.Lie down .jpg·PS:喜欢的可以支持一下,不过里面啥也没有:You can support it if you like it, but there is nothing in ithttps://afdian.net/@WDislandhttps://www.patreon.com/WDisland1080P:https://mega.nz/folder/yIwgwLYZ#4oB00GWMw1rwkT8DIXFBNQ感谢大家的支持~Thank you for your support~