
巴尔的摩(Baltimore) - Lamb - R18【Hentai View 紳士視点】

  • 投稿日:2022/12/8
  • 12345 再生
  • 477 いいね


Hello guys, this is Mosrp here. Today I am going to upload my 18th R18 MMD!I do know that I haven’t updated my videos for a week, but honestly, I don’t mean delay my upload. As I was a little bit free of work, without those heavy workloads, thinking of I couldn’t renewal my equipment right then, it took my days to ponder and research how to make my rendering look better. I turn to someone who can render videos with excellent quality, and he was so generous to taught me whatever he had done. I did appreciate his effort. Then, it has come to the day to check my results. The numbers will tell and if you like it or not, please let me know in your convenience. Thank you very much.By the way, if you are a MMD author, especially those who use MMD software itself to produce video, I recommend this to you, which may help you improve your render effect.Well, this time, I use Baltimore to dance Lamb (and it is my third time to use this song, maybe more after it). Classical music with classical character, I think it is a good start. Because in a long time for now, I will probably continue this style.Last but not least, I am very proud to announce that my video has been collected by xyz, who makes MMD ranking each month and each year. Here is the link to the ranking of this October. I am in the “Pick Up” part. I wish you could follow and like his work. Because it is not easy for him to make the ranking every month. I do appreciate his effort.If you like this video and desire to watch HD Edition (1.44 GB), you can contact me via PM, and I will reply with Mediafire link later. Or if you want the collection of my videos, you can contact me via PM as well and I will reply with Mega link later.————————————————————————————哈喽大家好哇,我是Mosrp,这将是我的第18个R18 MMD啦其实也有一个星期没有更新了,不过这并不是因为我是故意拖更,而实因为想到我最近工作没有那么忙了,就趁这个机会提高一下渲染技巧。这段时间我向一位大佬请教了一些东西,也正是因为这位大佬的无私传授,我才能在这个过程学到了不少渲染方面的东西,尤其是打光技巧。当然,即使我确实学到了一些东西,我也要从学院派转到实践派,看看“市场”对我的“产品”的反应,数据不会骗人。但也说实话,MMD本体的渲染天花板我自己感觉是差不多到顶了,很难再有提升,接下来很长一段时间我也应该都会是这样的渲染风格,当然,肯定会根据模型和场景加以微调~对辽,如果你也是像我一样是一位用MMD本体软件制作视频的创作者,我非常推荐你看这个在B站的视频教程,我基本都是根据这位up主的渲染教程学习的,我觉得这一定会对你有帮助!还有还有!其实有一件非常能让我感到荣幸的事情发生在11月,就是我的一个作品被xyz,也就是一位月更MMD视频排行的up收录在他今年10月的i站视频排行中!!!我在Pick Up这个部分,当时我做Conqueror的适合我也感到奇怪,那段时间播放量很少,才3000左右,但是心心数量有240之多!超高的点赞/观看率让我进了10月的i站排行,不仅是一个惊喜,也是对我视频的认可与鼓励!我会继续加油哒,争取在有限的条件未大家做更加好康的视频~最后,如果你喜欢这个视频并且想看高清版本,你可以私信我,然后我会将Mediafire的网盘链接发给你(如果是合集的话,我会发Mega网盘,但只有前10期)(另外非常不好意思,不支持百度云网盘链接,还请谅解QwQ)