
[C.P] Lucy Porn Brain Dance

  • 投稿日:2022/12/10
  • 19865 再生
  • 491 いいね


一般的なクラブのシーンに見えるこのブレーンダンスは、実は裏コードを入力すると面白いことが経験できるようです。彼女はどこかで捕まった犯罪者出身だそうで、触ってはいけないギャング団に触れてしまい、違法インプラント手術をたくさん受けて200倍ほど敏感になった性感帯を乱暴に愛撫され、強制的に踊ることになります。この時代の技術力ではあんな外骨格がなくても簡単に操縦できますが、あんなに視覚的に操縦されるのを見せるのがもっと刺激的だという主催側の判断の下、旧時代的な外骨格を装着させました。彼女のすべての感覚はヘッドセットに伝わり、彼女が経験している脳が燃えてしまうほどの快感が経験可能で、また感覚は遮断したまま観衆になって生き生きとした臨場感を持った体で見物することも可能です。彼女がどうなったのかはもう絶対に分からないでしょう。This brain dance, which seems to be a typical club scene, is actually something fun to experience by entering the back code.She is said to be a criminal who was caught somewhere,and is forced to dance after touching a gang that she shouldn\'t have touched,being violently caressed by her vocal cords, which have become 200 times more sensitive after receiving a lot of illegal implant procedures.The technology of this era can be easily controlled without such an exoskeleton,but it is more stimulating to show that it is visually controlled like that,so we installed an old-fashioned exoskeleton. All of her senses are transmitted to the headset,and her brain can experience the level of pleasure she\'s experiencing burning,and her senses can also be blocked, and her senses can be viewed as a spectator with a vivid sense of reality.We\'ll never know what happened to her now.I\'ve tried making it using other models before,I found out later that the model was broken, so I made a new one.I\'m from the East, but I don\'t know English well, so it\'s hard to check if the translation is done properly, so I wrote it in Japanese.Have Funmode by : NassiChancuteLove