
[Girls Frontline] M4 SOPMOD II Masked Bitch Alter & Cakeface Alter

  • 投稿日:2023/1/9
  • 5566 再生
  • 111 いいね


The satisfying part is, the motion and the music can match!! I spent a lot of time on arranging clips and musics, and adjusting motions and cameras, I tried some new trick, installed a few plugins, even created a new shader setting. All of those work are worthy. Though the idea is not mine, I still hope this video can inspire some creators.我希望这个视频能够激发一些新的创作方向,启发一些创作者。Inspiration source: https://youtu.be/QFciqHO0ZrM This video is funky as hell, I saw it when I was in middle school, and it stuck in my brain for 7 years. It even let me know the Knife Party.