
ヒーロー(雪泉)敗北凌辱後編 vs民衆

  • 投稿日:2023/1/20
  • 31994 再生
  • 568 いいね


こちらの動画(https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/41kelcv43uwq764y)の続きです。( ´艸`)前回怪人触手袋により徹底的に凌辱され仮面を剝がされた雪泉さん(ユミヴァリン)しかし、凌辱の手は休むことなく、触手袋は周囲にいた野次馬に対し雪泉への中出し凌辱するよう強要する。野次馬達は最初こそ無理やりさせられていた感があったものの徐々に雪泉への中出し凌辱を率先して行っていく。その行為は怪人が姿を消しても終わることなく、終わることのない凌辱の果てに‥‥って感じになります。今回、触手ものと守るべき民衆からの凌辱という二つのコンセプトだったので、前編、後編に分けさせてもらいました。(;´・ω・)__________________________________________________________This is a continuation of this video (https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/41kelcv43uwq764y).Yumi (Yumivarin) was thoroughly humiliated and unmasked by the monster tentacle bag last time.However, the tentacle bag does not rest on its laurels and forces the onlookers around her to humiliate Yumi by cumming inside her.Although the onlookers felt that they were being forced to do so at first, they gradually took the initiative and began to humiliate Yumi by cumming inside her.The act does not end even after the monster disappears, and the end of the never-ending humiliation...................................This time, since there were two concepts of tentacles and humiliation from the people who should be protected, I had to divide the story into the first part and the second part.