
[GUP] Darjeeling ガニ股チン媚び挑発ダンス

  • 投稿日:2023/1/22
  • 20140 再生
  • 305 いいね


The old Churchill tanks couldn\'t stop the invaders. The rest, exceptDarjeeling, the captain, were executed before her eyes, and she was left as an example.For hours like days, she suffered.The invaders told her to appeal to them if she didn\'t want to die.She understood very precisely what the word meant.With this desperate dance, she can survive.She has to keep a few things in the future.Clothing and showers are prohibited for her.She is not allowed to go indoors. She should only live on the street.If she tries to escape or escape, she is executed instantly.How long can she survive?