
艦娘乱交温泉郷1944【矢矧 大和 雪風 時雨 冬月 涼月 初霜 響 霞 清霜 浜風 磯風】Kanmusu sexual orgy in Japanese style hot spring hotel 1944 [Yahagi,Yamato,Yukikaze,sigure,fuyutuki,suzutuki,hatushimo,hibiki,kasumi,kiyoshimo,ha

  • 投稿日:2023/2/4
  • 63000 再生
  • 1000 いいね


☆Fantia開設!!!☆Opened Fantia!!!☆ Fantia限定10分超えの完全新作長編動画を毎月投稿!!! 無料で見られる動画も毎月用意しますのでどうぞお気軽にお越しください!(´▽`) https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/487686Fantia exclusive 10-minute over length videos will be posted every month!!! I will also prepare free videos every month, so please feel free to come by! (´▽`)Patreonではこれまで通り毎月3本以上のPatreon限定新作を投稿! 御支援の累積に応じて特別長編動画の特典も多数御用意しております!^^ https://www.patreon.com/taroyamaPatreon will continue to post at least three new Patreon limited titles each month as in the past! Depending on the cumulative amount of your support, I also have a lot of special feature-length video gifts!死線に赴く艦娘たちに最大の感謝を込めて!銃後の日本男子たちが渾身の激励棒!!w時雨と雪風のみならず二水戦全員に温泉旅行が贈られたのだがこれは海軍大臣による粋な計らいだったのだw「アニメ艦これ1944 いつかあの海で」第四話を見るとこの作品を更に楽しめること間違い無しです!^^With the greatest gratitude to Kanmusu who go to the battle of death! Civilian men give their best encouragement!!Not only Shigure and Yukikaze, but all members of the 2nd Torpedo Squadron were given a hot spring trip, A smart move by the Minister of the Navy.wwwIf you watch the 4th episode of "Anime KanColle 1944", you will definitely be able to enjoy this work even more! Let\'s watch Anime KanColle together! (´▽`)