
夜桜機械姦 How It\'s Done

  • 投稿日:2023/2/24
  • 22590 再生
  • 397 いいね


今回時間なく凝ったものが出来ずモーションほぼ流しの動画です。(;´・ω・)後今回も夜桜さんもので今回は夜桜さん単騎動画です。( ´∀` )一応イメージは忍務により出撃したが悪忍に捕らえられた夜桜。捕らえた悪忍は夜桜を商品として出品するため機械(メイドイン春香)により調教を開始する。快楽により抵抗力が落ちた夜桜は洗脳装置を取り付けられ‥‥って感じの流れになります。(;^ω^)_______________________________________________This time, I couldn\'t do anything elaborate due to lack of time, so this is a video with almost no motion.I am not sure if it is a good idea to make a video with only one person, but it is a video of Yozakura-san.The image is that of Yozakura who was captured by evil shinobi after she went out on a ninja mission.The evil shinobi captured Yozakura and started to train her with a machine (Made in Haruka) in order to exhibit her as a commodity.Yozakura\'s resistance power is lowered by the pleasure, and a brainwashing device is installed......and so on.