

  • 投稿日:2023/4/15
  • 0 再生
  • 306 いいね


采纳了上次视频里一个同好给我提的建议,这次做的双马尾版本的小肉包!希望大家能喜欢!Someone gave me a fantastic idea in last video, so I change hair to ponytails this time! hoping you like it!1:39 上衣脱落(clothes off)2:39 腰带脱落(belt off)4:03 催眠解除(mind control disable)后记:虽然最后试着做了一下催眠解除,但是因为这是我第一次k帧,也从来没处理过各种音效,只能达到这个水准了,各位见谅...PS This is the first time I try to make motion data and use sound effect, and this is the best I can do now...后记2:末尾的那一声叫声是截取的c酱直播恐怖游戏时发出的原声音PS.2 The scream in the end is recorded from c酱 when she played horror games in live streaming.后记3:3月24号打完生化危机4的时候c酱的一句“里昂的紧身短袖好色哦”是这次穿这件衣服的灵感来源...PS.3 The word "Leon\'s tight t-shirt looks so sexy" said by c酱 when she played Resident Evil 4 in Mar 24th gives me idea to make this video