
Akita Neru club RGB

  • 投稿日:2023/7/17
  • 6139 再生
  • 338 いいね


I know that I have promised a lot with your gift, very, very late, really, an apology, but my mmd only gave me a lot of problems with reading the pmx files or specific particles, I corrected about 10 errors in the same program, but fortunately I knew how to fix them for suvier More content with these things.Due to the situation I will send the gifts separately so as not to have problems with the mmd againMotion DL: https://mega.nz/file/xagBEB6K#1ac9KZk8e8vPAd0Ec7GC6uxD7kt3KYQlVyUmkTa7Gh4