
[MMD] Serena and Marnie | Chocolate Cream (Pokemon)

  • 投稿日:2023/8/18
  • 10260 再生
  • 326 いいね


I don\'t usually say this, but I think this is my best-looking video so far. This motion is kind of legendary, so I pulled out all the stops. I\'m really happy with how it turned out.As always, I hope you enjoy it and have a great day!Serena Model: Tsumidango, Sour, Demitasse, J&J, JL, Bagify, Newbie, Shuubaru and Scalloped PotatoesMarnie Model: Sour, MDJSN, sukajii, Pikapika-2000, Evaan, Shuubaru and Scalloped PotatoesMotion: ureshiiiiiiCamera: Dr. CossackMusic: LAYSHA\nStage: くてしふぉんEffects: AdultShader_v014, AutoLuminous4, ikBokeh_v020a, KiraKira_sparkleV2.1, MotionBlur3L_v002, SpotLight_2.0, WorkingFloor2_v008