765ASの高校生アイドル達が全員妊娠したので、お仕置きとして全裸と全裸より恥ずかしいスケスケ水着でステージに立たせた。しかし、なぜか皆笑顔で罰になっていない気がする・・・特に千早は妊娠でおっぱい大きくなったためか満面の笑みのような?All high school idols of 765AS got pregnant, so I punished them by making them stand on stage in nude and transparent swimsuits which is more embarrassing than nude. But for some reason, I don\'t think they were punished because they were all smiling... Especially Chihaya, whose boobs got bigger due to her pregnancy and she seemed to have a big smile on her face?