
響いじめ 透明セーラー服で丸見え学園AV Hibiki Bullying - School Porn Video in Transparent Sailor Uniform

  • 投稿日:2023/8/29
  • 5347 再生
  • 117 いいね


伊織「今日は学園ドラマの撮影ね」\n春香「普段はみんな違う学校だから新鮮だね」\n真「わ~制服も可愛い~!ボク一度こういうの着てみたかったんだ!」\n響「アレッ?なんだか自分の制服だけ違うぞ?」\nP「響は暑がりだから、風通しの良い生地で特別に作ったんだ」\n真美「ひびきん、丸見えでチョーせくし~だよ!!」\n響「こんなの着るなんて無理だってばぁ~!!」\nP(響・・・本当は青春学園ドラマじゃなくて、露出学園AVなんだ。頑張れよ!)Iori "Today we\'re filming a school drama."\nHaruka "Usually we all go to different schools, so this is fun."\nMakoto "Wow, the school uniforms are so cute! I\'ve always wanted to wear something like this."\nHibiki "What? My uniform is different from the others."\nP "Hibiki doesn\'t like the heat, so I made it specially with airy fabric."\nMami "Hibikin, I can see you naked and it\'s super erotic!\nHibiki "I can\'t wear this!"\nP (Hibiki...it\'s not really a youth school drama, it\'s a revealing school porn. Go for it!)