
向晚【WiggleWiggle】R-18 dance 【A-Soul】

  • 投稿日:2023/9/15
  • 3177 再生
  • 193 いいね


没错,在一年多之后,我终于,终于,成功地修改了模型。做mmd一年多以来最大的难题,终于得以突破。说实话或许也不算多厉害的技巧,但是前前后后找教程,找素材,试错,是这一年多来一直在想办法做的事。之前也走了不少弯路,有过很多次失败的尝试,而在把自己关进屋里几天除了琢磨这个别的啥也没干后,我最终得以龙场悟道,参透其中的奥妙。以前其实有给自己定过几个小目标,一是学会怎么修改模型,二是学会用blender渲染,三是学会布料解算,因为我觉得在至少学会一点这些东西之前离真正优秀的mmd作者还有很大差距,再怎么做视频也只是原地踏步,很多想要的效果也实现不了,所以我的视频产量并不高,很多时候是在搞这些东西,或者很多项目做到一半发现能力不足效果不理想所以搁置了。而现在总算迈出了最重要的一步,就像点好了最重要的科技树,可以完成很多原本无法完成的作品了。比如说像Wigglewiggle这首曲子,之前就有观众建议我做过,我也去尝试了,但是发现乃琳的头发太长,把后面整个都遮住了,这不就让整个动作基本失去意义了嘛......于是暂时将其搁置。直到现在,终于有了向晚的模型,用来做这支舞再适合不过了,这首曲子也很适合向晚的风格。同样的还是欢迎大家提建议。某些提议可能无法立即实现,很多时候并不是不想做,而是受限于能力做不到,毕竟我也只是进步速度很慢的业余爱好者,而当我有了足够能力之后或许就可以完成了,就像之前有人许愿过的这首曲子,还有之前很多人想看的渐脱的效果,在上一个视频里也先用比较笨比的办法实现了,但是其实是兜了个大圈子,这次才算是用了正经方法,另一方面也是得益于新的模型有更好的更衣效果。总之,十分感谢各位的观看与支持,我们下次再会。So yeah, this is the breakthrough I mentioned last time(or did I?). And no, this is not another Miku, she\'s Xiangwan "Ava", a Chinese vtuber, or actually "virtual idol" if you would, teammate of those two you previously met in my channel. She didn\'t have a nsfw model release, so I had to make it myself with her official one. After more than a year, I finally, finally, managed to find a way to edit this model into what I imagined it to be like. I mean yeah the whole process may not seem like much, but the enlightenment that took more than a year to strike me, formed from all these searching and learning I\'ve done, was monumental to me. Everything had been different ever since.Another interesting story, I had comments suggesting me making this video, Wigglewiggle, and I was quite into it, but it turned out that the model I was primarily using, Nailin "Eileen", her hair would pretty much cover up her entire butt, that kinda loses the entire point of the motion huh, so I postponed the idea, until this day, I finally could do it with a better choice of model. Innovations truly make life better. There is going to be many great things to come with the model update, just you wait.It seems that some creators love to do a shitload of shittalking like what I\'m doing, probably because there are too many things going through our heads while we\'re making these and we have no one to talk to, so we let them all out when we\'re finally finished Lmao. Anyways, please enjoy, and thank you for reading all these yappings, inputs are welcome. Till next time.