
And the time BAIMI blocked me for $10.

  • 投稿日:2023/11/25
  • 1794 再生
  • 17 いいね


Don\'t fall for it and don\'t sign or you\'ll end up in the same situation as me. For 10$ BAIMI offers to wait for the video when he will post in the current month. All other months he sells each month separately on a separate platform for $12. To watch videos for a year you have to pay $144. He kept pushing his own after I canceled my subscription. I asked him to return the money as I did not receive rewards on the subscription, to which BAIMI in place of apologizing and return the money, responded by blocking me on Patreon.\nOh, yeah, I texted him some more. That greed will get him killed. And that screwing people over won\'t do him any good.\nWrite in the comments what you think about it.