
原神榨汁姬 (八重神子優菈)完善版 / polished verison

  • 投稿日:2024/1/4
  • 188167 再生
  • 5641 いいね


抱歉,前幾天因爲個人問題,做的時候沒有用心打磨,導致觀看流暢度有瑕疵。現在重新做了,並且使用了先前的構思模式。\nSorry, because of some personal emotional issues a few days ago , I didn\'t polish carefully when I was working on it. Now I have re-work on some scenes while using the previous concepts .另外,以後的影片主角不會在用布萊摩頓和古見了。\nIn addition , future videos will not feature Bremerton and Komi as the mc .這個影片是固定版本,所以2K和4K用戶都可以下載。\nThis video can be downloaded for both 2K and 4K users.如果妳有什麽問題,請與我聯系\nIf you have any questions, feel free to dm me via discordDiscord:ming_minga這是我的主頁地址(請多多支持)\nThis is my patreon feel free to support me if you want further content like thishttps://www.patreon.com/MingJa\n謝謝支持 tysm