前回、危険日に中出しされちゃった百合ちゃんはアフターピルをもらう代わりに1日ラブホに付き合わされるのでした...編集してた時の気分が快楽堕ちだったからセリフが快楽堕ち風だけど展開的にはまだまだ抗ってもらうかな~\nてことで第二部?ラブホでめちゃくちゃにされちゃう編です\nfantiaもやってるからよかったら見てね→https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/508184↓It\'s google translationLast time, Yuri, who was creampied on a dangerous day, was forced to stay at a love hotel for a day in exchange for a morning-after pill...When I was editing it, I was in a pleasure-filled mood, so the lines are kind of like a pleasure-seeking affair, but I hope people will still be able to resist the development.\nSo the second part? This is the part about getting fucked up at a love hotel.\nFantia is also doing it, so please check it out → https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/508184