
全裸首輪で後手拘束! 白昼街頭ライブの恥辱 Naked Collared and strapped to the back of her body! Shame in midday street live!

  • 投稿日:2024/7/11
  • 5107 再生
  • 221 いいね


ここ最近のビデオ投稿は『縄+バイブ』のパターンが多いのですが、この曲もSの性癖にかなり刺さりそう。体をよじる振り付けが多くて、これが拘束をほどこうともがいている感じがしてとても良い!あとは、歌詞の「手を重ねて ファイト オー!」「大丈夫!抱きしめて あ・げ・る」「手をつないで一緒に走れ!」が全て出来ないのもポイント高いよね。This song is perfect for those with sadistic tendencies. There is a lot of body twisting choreography, which is very good because it gives the feeling of struggling to untie the restraints!And then there\'s the lyrics, "Put your hands on top of each other, Fight Oh!" "It\'s okay! I\'ll give you a hug," "Hold hands, run together!" are all not possible, which is another high point.