
【处女作】Tsukiyuki Miyako 月雪宫子 —被老师狠狠的侵犯了

  • 投稿日:2024/7/31
  • 6103 再生
  • 348 いいね


不打算进行任何程度的盈利,因为我不配,为爱发电\n一个普普通通,只会套sd的新人。我只是站在巨人肩膀上的一个创作者,我能做的只有简单的找不错的SD变换,调整人物模型,找到合适的音乐,虽然这些基本的东西占了我将近七成的时间。(光是sd就有300G)我不清楚这样套很多sd,然后做成视频发出来是否构成侵权,(创作者需知看了但还是不太确定)如果不构成我会继续创作此类内容,如果构成那么我会就此别过,对不起各位作者。\n感谢众多sd作者,人物卡作者的付出,以及一些工作室的word指南,教程等作者的辛勤制作让我了解到了这么多。以及群里的一些相互交流的小伙伴,让我从连大小都不会调整的萌新,一步步去克服在sd当中遇到的困难,希望未来能克服更多的问题,慢慢了解工作室的全部,谢谢各位。It is not intended to make any degree of profit, Because I don\'t deserve it,generating electricity for loveAn ordinary newcomer who can only set SD. I\'m just a creator standing on the shoulders of giants, and all I can do is simply find good SD transforms, tweak character models, and find the right music, even though these basic things take up almost 70% of my time. (sd alone has 300G) I don\'t know if this set of a lot of sd, and then make a video and send it out to constitute infringement, (The creator needs to know that he has read it, but he is still not sure)if it doesn\'t constitute I will continue to create this kind of content, if it is constituted then I will leave it at that, sorry authors. Thanks to the efforts of many SD authors, character card authors, and the hard work of some studio word guides, tutorials, etc., I have learned so much. As well as some friends in the group who communicate with each other, let me go from the new ones who can\'t even adjust the size, step by step to overcome the difficulties encountered in SD, I hope to overcome more problems in the future, and slowly understand all of the studio, thank you.