
葛城 潜入ミッション凌辱

  • 投稿日:2024/8/18
  • 6766 再生
  • 333 いいね


リクエストにより葛城さんに卑猥なドレスを着てもらい潜入ミッションを受けてもらいました。\nVIP相手に体を売らねばならない違法風俗店への潜入忍務を受けた葛城。\n初日から大人気な葛城はVIP相手におもちゃや指等あらゆる手段でイカされまくり、さらには複数人がかりで犯され\n業務終了時には息も絶え絶えにされる葛城。\n今日も犯され続けた葛城だったが、何故か業務は終わらず、普段行われない謎のショーが開催される。\nこのショーは数ヶ月前この風俗店に潜入した忍を捕らえ調教し続けた組織がその忍を墜とした姿をお披露目として\nショーを開催したのであった。\n当然今潜入している忍に対する当てつけの意味も込めて……( ´艸`)___________________________________________By request, Katsuragi was asked to wear an indecent dress and undercover mission.\nKatsuragi was asked to go undercover in an illegal brothel where she has to sell her body to VIPs.\nKatsuragi is very popular from the first day, and he is made to cum all over by the VIPs with toys, fingers, and other means, and is even raped by several people!\nBy the end of the day, Katsuragi is out of breath.\nKatsuragi continues to be raped today, but for some reason, the work is not finished, and a mysterious show is held.\nThis show was put on by the organization that had captured and trained a shinobi who had infiltrated this brothel a few months earlier.\nThe show was held to show off the shinobi they had captured and trained.\nNaturally, the show was meant to be a show of force against the shinobi who had just infiltrated the brothel. ......( ´艸`)