
Nicole x Zhuyuan 妮可 x 朱鸢 _ Full Bodied

  • 投稿日:2024/9/16
  • 152436 再生
  • 6382 いいね


Since I already have a video with 10k likes, let\'s make this a bigger milestone by doing another 10 minutes video if this video reaches at least 13k likes because it takes a lot of time, so if you want that you know what to do. I added a short introduction at the start. This is the longest video I have ever done. It took a lot of effort and money for voice actors. Thanks for your support! :D\n既然我已经有个10k赞的视频,如果这个视频能达到至少13k点赞,我会做多一个10分钟的视频,因为花太多时间了,所以如果你们想看的话,知道该怎么做了。我加了一小段剧情。这是我做过的最长视频,花费了大量精力和资金请声优。感谢你们的支持!:D4k60fps / 1080p60fps / No BGM 无背景音乐 / Just BGM 纯背景音乐 / Yelan 夜兰Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TakoiyakiUnifans (For those who can\'t use Patreon 无法使用Patreon的人): https://app.unifans.io/c/takoiyaki