
【鸣潮 Wuthering Waves】今汐Jinhsi ×罪袋 - Sad Cat Dance 60FPS(RAY渲染)

  • 投稿日:2024/9/28
  • 7354 再生
  • 284 いいね


4K&差分(4K&different):patreon:www.patreon.com/gu_chanfansky:www.fansky.net/guchan引力圈:app.unifans.io/c/gu_chan糟糕的事情接二连三地发生,对我来说,这是一段艰难的时期。\n但我还在坚持。往好的方面想,至少这些事情不是在同一天内发生的。现在,我坐在电脑前,等待文件上传,速度是270kb/s(甚至更慢),这让我想起了小时候拨号上网的日子。我原本打算用Blender来渲染,但因为种种原因,我最终放弃了这个想法。\n在导出4K视频时,我不得不删除电脑上的一些文件(因为我的存储空间不够了)。未来,高分辨率视频和一些差分视频将在Patreon和Fansky(后者支持微信&支付宝)上提供。\n我想买点硬盘和更好的设备之类的。请注意,目前仅提供Mega下载。百度云和其他网盘将在几天后提供(我真的受不了出租屋糟糕的网速)。Bad things have been happening one after another, and for me, this is a tough time.\nBut I’m still holding on. Looking on the bright side, at least these things didn’t all happen in one day.Now, I’m sitting in front of my computer, waiting for files to upload at a speed of 270kb/s (maybe even slower), which reminds me of the days of dial-up internet during my childhood.I originally planned to use Blender for rendering, but for various reasons, I ended up giving up on that idea.\nWhen exporting the 4K video, I had to delete some files on my computer (because I ran out of storage space).In the future, high-resolution videos and some difference videos will be available on Patreon and Fansky (the latter supports Alipay).\nI want to buy some Hard Disk Drive and better equipment and so on.Please note that for now, only Mega downloads are available. Baidu Cloud and other Netdisks will be provided in a few days (I really can’t bear the terrible internet speed in my rented place).