
💕云先生*阿嘿颜精通💕YunJin *ahegao

  • 投稿日:2024/12/13
  • 50332 再生
  • 2019 いいね


BGM选短了,导致后面的内容过渡有些僵硬,非常抱歉。The background music was cut short, causing the transition towards the latter part of the video to feel slightly awkward. My apologies for the inconvenience.另外我发现Iwara的Wura币可以充值会员,如果你喜欢我的作品并且希望能够直接在Iwara上看到更高码率的视频,可以打赏一点Wura币(一点就好),非常感谢!Additionally, I discovered that Iwara\'s Wura coins can be used to recharge memberships. If you enjoy my works and would like to watch higher-bitrate videos directly on Iwara, feel free to support me with a little Wura coin (just a small amount is enough). Thank you so much!4K画质在这里:https://www.patreon.com/Gerrry4K quality videos can be accessed here: https://www.patreon.com/Gerrry视频内容可能存在一定程度的艺术创作和角色性格的偏离(即OOC)。The video content may include a certain degree of artistic interpretation and deviations from the original character\'s personality (OOC).这些内容纯属虚构,与游戏官方设定及剧情无关,仅作为粉丝自娱自乐的创作分享。All the content is fictional and unrelated to the official settings or storyline of the game. This work is purely a fan creation intended for entertainment and sharing.视频中的所有情节和观点均为个人想象,不代表游戏官方或原作者的立场。如果这些内容引起了您的不适,还请谅解。All scenarios and opinions depicted in the video are purely imaginative and do not represent the views of the game’s developers or original creators. If this content causes you any discomfort, we ask for your understanding.