
Kiana Segs - Din Don Dan

  • 投稿日:2024/12/24
  • 3005 再生
  • 256 いいね


为什么延迟提前发作品?《圣诞节肯定得和女朋友过啊!》《平安夜也得提前准备一下吧?》《和二次元老婆过也不是不可以..》《毕竟是琪亚娜也在情理之中?》....《wocao,你骂谁舰长呢》ps;\n又是很久不见,性诞节快乐!上次断电果然是伏笔,电脑返厂了,主板显卡都坏了,我只想问到底是怎么用坏的?因为是赛博笨蛋,才一顿捣鼓后,我把整个主机都寄走了,然后在12月中旬我才收到修好的电脑,于是乎完美的错过了琪亚娜的生日,原有的计划也被推翻了。 好气好气好气好气...“什么,我打终焉,真的假的”这次带来的是圣诞节的琪亚娜!原始人对抗三体神,希望大家能够喜欢我们的究极无敌巨他妈可爱kiana!\n同时也很感谢各位一直支持我,就算是对着她打*也没关系!!愿大家一切顺利,无论生活学习工作做爱都是!\n这里是妹汁MaRIJa,原画质晚些时候发出,非常欢迎评论!这对我非常重要!最后!我的作品完全免费!请勿用于商业用途!够吧i站抽风处理12个小时更新个jimaoEN.verConsider that I\'m such a computer idiot that I don\'t know what to do with a computer that won\'t boot up. So after a long period of fumbling, I had to send my computer back to the manufacturer for repair.I didn\'t receive the host and graphics card until December 15, which also caused me to miss Kiana\'s birthday and not update it for 2 months.Merry ChristmasHappy Sexmas!I am very glad that you can watch my works, and I also want to say thank you to all the friends who have been supporting and loving me! I\'ve been Posting for free, and I\'m content enough to receive comments, which is why I keep updating.And today, as always, I bring your favorite kiana, and this time she is a little different. (⊙v⊙)Due to a change of schedule, the next will still be kiana (which was supposed on December 7), followed by Herta!4k video will be released later, due to inventory reasons, some old works will continue to be deleted, if necessary, please hurry to download, do not use for commercial purposes, let us see you next time!