
スーサイドパレヱド 「Suicide Parade」

  • 投稿日:2018/4/3
  • 311287 再生
  • 4066 いいね


Hello again peoples. Back at it again with my antics. Go away for months and return with a mediocre video.Anyways, for some reason when I was making this video I felt I was cursed. I was supposed to have released this video a week ago, however things kept on setting me back. I had to re-render practically everything in this video multiple times, and had to redo the entire end sequence twice due to save file corruptions. I literally am ecstatic to have finally finished it. I\'m done. Fuck. /rantPlease like the video if you liked it, and follow me on youtube/twitter! Numbers give me motivation. Throwing a few bucks my way via patreon doesn\'t hurt too...Raycast fucks over the screen.x and I don\'t know how to get it back to its original quality so I just uploaded it. Here.Camera versionTwitterPatreon1080p Download ダウンロード (MEGA)