
短篇:迷失稻妻1---闲云申鹤篇(Short Story:Lost lnazuma1---Xianyun and Shenhe)

  • 投稿日:2025/2/27
  • 20175 再生
  • 763 いいね


闲云申鹤经行秋介绍带着重云来到稻妻学习秘术,但这趟旅程并没有想象的那么简单。。。我将以不同的角色来到被色欲支配的稻妻为背景创作故事。剧中角色均为根据个人喜好的二次创作和性格改编,与原角色无关!!!这次我根据粉丝提供的灵感自己编辑了剧情,不知道这算不算ntr(๑˙ー˙๑)希望你能喜欢。如有意见和想法,欢迎你在评论区留言!在这里做个小提示,我的上一个长剧情视频是绝区零的凯撒,很多粉丝反映没有页面显示。没看到的朋友需要去个人设置里把标签黑名单里的shota和beastiality删去,这样就能看见了!Xianyun and Shenhe brought Zhongyun to Inazuma to learn secret magic, but this journey was not as simple as it seemed...I will create a story based on different characters coming to Inazuma, who is dominated by sex. The male characters in the drama are all secondary creations and personality adaptations based on personal preferences, and have nothing to do with the original characters!!!If you have any opinions or ideas, please feel free to leave a message in the comment section!