
MMD Remilia And Flandre Scarlet Ninetail+Chen {Bacteria Contamination} R18

  • 投稿日:2018/1/19
  • 3120 再生
  • 24 いいね


MMD Remilia And Flandre Scarlet Ninetail+Chen {Bacteria Contamination} R18
This is what happens to youkai if you give them mountain dew,beer and pizza after 12am. But really Chen and the Scarlet Sisters were injected with human DNA to see if youkai can be affected by the spores of the Black {A race that causes adult humans to go insane if they make any contact with them} Chen and the Scarlet Sisters went temporally insane then passed out and went back to normal after the human DNA dissipated from their body's. Youkai are normally immune to the Black and their spores.