
MMD Young Blue+Kos Mos+Tanya+ Eizhelle+Tiger General+Army Girl1 X2 {Viva La Vida} R18

  • 投稿日:2017/12/3
  • 3368 再生
  • 17 いいね


MMD Young Blue+Kos Mos+Tanya+ Eizhelle+Tiger General+Army Girl1 X2 {Viva La Vida} R18
Young Blue had ended the War of the Ninetails by killing her father and the three other kings that caused the war that killed millions of civilian ninetails because of that the World is at Peace that will last till her and the Rainbow Ran meet in the rainbow circle causing The Big Bang killing every living thing in the Universe but thats not for another 500 years. Blue is enjoying the peace in her castle and her and her soldiers are dancing in victory. Enjoy