
[MMD] New Thang - SHMB Ver (1080p60fpsR-18)

  • 投稿日:2016/1/2
  • 61900 再生
  • 526 いいね


Moar like "New Thong" amrite?Note: I’ll be uploading a Shimakaze version (島風 Ver) of this one soon, for those that care more about that.As usual, HD mode may take awhile to load but has best image and sound quality.Another zero effort amateur MMD brought to you by that user who must be colorblind after rendering the same video several times and somehow still finding weird artifacts in the frames. But I guess someone out there must have a fetish for blue skinned aliens.I spent too much time trying to decide between a couple models to use for this one motion, more than usual. I was fast approaching the effort quota, and so I said "Fuck it!" and made 2 separate versions of the same motion.Never again.This one was what I originally wanted to make, using this motion with SHMB. A simple one, just to chill. Now with extra shirt tossing.I could’ve been playing all of the games that I got on sale the past month holyshitdidyouseeallthem !?It’s begun to snow now. Shit.Effects: NCHLShader2GreenerShaderAutoLuminous4MotionBlur3PowerDOFExcellentShadow2HgSAOo_SelfOverlay v0.6o_SurplusFilter v0.3SukeModel: SHMBさん (Crime Dango/つみだんご)seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im4204844Stage: Dance hall ver1.31 (sm16313647)Camera: ZeroEffortMMDbowlroll.net/file/90786Motion: Nejime (sm27872438)