
[R-18] Neru, Saki, Sakura & Miku Ghost Dance ( ネル , ミク , さくら , サ キ Ghost Dance)

  • 投稿日:2020/5/21
  • 7069 再生
  • 213 いいね


Just a quick think I made in a couple hours, so, I'm still working on that huge video but while I work on it I actually edited some Module heads with a body with physics and this was the result. I liked it a lot that i thought you guys would like it too.
Just a quick advice: I WON'T stop using the SDvl modules, but for the kind of video that I was aiming with this one it was impossible to use them here.
Anyways I really hope you guys enjoy it, for my second time using Ray I don't think it's bad at all. Also yeah, I noticed the Saki tattoo lack the glow, but I didn't noticed till' I exported it.
Also sorry for the very simplistic background, I tried to use the Batokin Island but for some reason it was gray with Ray turned on and also the direct testing on MMD was around 6-8fps so this was a huge struggle to achieve.
Thanks you so much for watching, feedback, comments and ideas are really apreciated!
I don't really speak japanese btw.