

  • 投稿日:2020/6/5
  • 94455 再生
  • 2094 いいね


萌新第一次投稿,如有不足之处还请多多指教,如果喜欢还请一下小心心还有留言。制作MMD两个多月了,这次的作品主题由于自己的一时兴起选择了虫和犬,但实际效果离我的期望还有一定距离。目前正在尝试如何做出一种干净点的渲染效果,毕竟拿舞蹈的渲染来做,多多少少有些不合适。本人鸽子一个,喜欢在窝内养老,混了几年I站,此次的灵感来自I站的几位大佬的视频,之后打算按照自己的想法做一些有趣的事件(EVENT)。如果可能,我还会附加额外的文字内容。那么如果有机会,我们下次见面。感谢观看。New guy submitted for the first time, if there are any shortcomings, please advise, if you like, please click like and leave your message.It\'s been more than two months since I made MMD. The theme of this work has been insects and dogs because of my whim, but the actual effect is still some distance away from my expectations.This time I was inspired by the videos of several big brothers at Iwara. Later I plan to do some interesting EVENT according to my interesting ideas.If possible, I will attach additional text content.Then if there is a chance, we will meet next time. thanks for watching.(The above is from Google Translate)