
Monster Musume PaPi - Fluffy Crayon - FREYJA.sys

  • 投稿日:2019/6/27
  • 6563 再生
  • 78 いいね


So this time my fav PaPi from Monster Musume. Tried to recreate her again with cm3d2 stuff and lots of crude blender edits.Still the original is 100x time cuter ^^1st half: For people who wants to enjoy a nice model.2nd half: For the people screaming "nuge!" "get naked!!" "etc!!!" in the first half.Also beach level and night wind for a nice cooling on these hot days.source:FREYJA.sys: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20097376Fluffy Crayon: ??? don\'t find the source anymore