
[MMD R-18] - Zelda´s Reverse Straddle [Patreon Request]

  • 投稿日:2020/11/12
  • 9000 再生
  • 197 いいね


\(T∇T)/ Please read thisI can\'t lie guys the pandemic has almost killed my business and I am relying more now on what I earn with Izumi, so for better or worse I have more free time now and for at least what is left of this year I will be working more on this stuff, there is a new outfit for Izumi that is coming, her new signature clothes where designed by Mr U10 , an artist from Pixiv, I\'ve had the design ready for a couple months now and I finally have the time to start working on it, as soon as I finish the current costume of course, now that aside, it is time for a new dance don\'t you think?, what I need from you guys is some suggestions on a dance you\'d like to see being made for MMD, I\'d like to make something with a good mixture of cuteness and sexiness, I bet you\'ve seen dances like "Shake it" from Sistar or stuff like that, doesn\'t have to be that music genre but as long as this dance has good energy then that works, now please don\'t mix sexy with slutty, twerking is out, some good amount of butt shaking is ok, kpop has some of the better examples I\'ve seen, for some time I\'ve wanted to make my own version of this danceshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqR2HGkjFCAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKMT44GBaUIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhXefyLs-uwThis in my opinion have a nice feeling, the music is catchy and have some small amount of sexiness, for all 3 of these I have clear videos with the choreography and not the very common crappy montages that cut almost every 5 seconds to a different move, so if you happen to have a dance you like and now if there is a video with the choreography without any cuts at all (a static camera is the most preferable) send them to me either here in the comments, DM here or on twitter, I will compile them and then pick 2, maybe 3 I can animate, I hope I can make something good for everyone, don\'t worry guys my animations will remain free, I\'ll still make some spicy animations too but they will be loops most likely this to get them done quick and have time to dedicate to the dance animations, I will also be making some tutorials about MMD or MMM, have any requests about that? the things you\'ve seen here in my channel is what I know how to do, so before someone asks, no I really don\'t know how to use raycast and thus I don\'t think I will make tutorials about it.Have an extra fight scene just in casehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOs-YPEwjAI[b]If you like my work and if it is within your possibilities please lend me a hand, and enable me tokeep creating by donating to eitherhttps://www.patreon.com/Ademar440or Paypal atademar440@gmail.com[/b]Izumi Shimizu DL( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)http://www.mediafire.com/folder/bvyhwdun9870w/ReleasesMMD Dance Motionshttp://www.mediafire.com/folder/84w9clf3takcf/Motions Ademar440MMD Camera Motionshttp://www.mediafire.com/folder/ztdaqg77zo2hs/Camera Motions - Ademar440MMD R-18 Motionshttp://www.mediafire.com/folder/wbbz3j4azehch/R-18 Motions Ademar440MMD R-18 Motions Mirrorhttps://mega.nz/#F!bNtBySZJ!OhOWVrnE9XCa2x4MmzJkYQ(:3」┌)┘