
[MMD艦これ] 軽巡棲鬼 / Light Cruiser Demon - Model Update Test

  • 投稿日:2019/6/22
  • 15977 再生
  • 309 いいね


I changed around Light Cruiser Demon\'s model (everything below her boobs), using an edited version of Ademar440\'s Izumi as the base, to fix the issues I was having on the existing model. The old model (on the right) has a lot of issues where the thighs meet her hips in certain poses, as well as being pretty blocky and unattractive in most poses too.This motion was used just cos the legs go in a lot of positions during it... Not gonna try and fix this dance to fit an actual pole just to test the model\'s appearance in a range of motions..For most things, it\'s probably the kind of issue that most people didn\'t notice (since most seem completely fine with videos where the girl\'s arms spend half of it inside her chest), but for me the state of the default legs by Cham has bothered me a long time ;( So hopefully now it\'ll be improved for the future.If you\'d like to support my work: https://www.patreon.com/willowywiccahttps://www.twitter.com/willowywicca