
MMD _ League Of Legends - Topless (body paint)

  • 投稿日:2020/12/19
  • 5934 再生
  • 34 いいね


Motion: Miraculous Ladybug by ヘルシャナhttps://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm37866041Models: edit body paint by mein video it\'s (left to right): Ashe base, Sona Arcade, Evelynn KDA Prestigehttps://www.mediafire.com/folder/8molse6ht6n4z/MMD-_League_Of_Legends_model==================================Little history for why i create these skins.At old time, there were mods where you could have League Of Legends characters naked in-game (it\'s illegal and they bans in game).I decided to try to have these skins but on MMD.ATTENTION ! some model can NOT accept motion. xD