
You are visiting Mayu at her home (Version 3) - Motions DL

  • 投稿日:2020/12/22
  • 16100 再生
  • 398 いいね


This is my "Hot" gift for you, because the previous 2 versions of this video have scored a huge number of views and likes by the standards of my other videos.
However, the previous 2 versions were made by me, when i had not yet assembled the final set of shaders that i use now.
I hope you will be pleased with my reinterpreted work on this, and only in this video i post one big bonus fragment on the link where you can download the motions.
Mayu is here - https://www.mediafire.com/file/tn0pvuzl22plh91/IAwara_Models_Pack_%252B_...
All motions (with one big bonus) is here - https://www.mediafire.com/file/cjuqjzug6e3eji1/Gwiyomi_and_big_bonus.rar...
Stage from here - https://www.deviantart.com/jalmod/art/CM3D2-Stage-Maid-Room-761852231
Second music is - Kaskade, deadmau5 - I Remember
If you want, you can compare the quality with previous versions of the video
1 version - https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/qvkggtl2pbulygve1
2 version - https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/0gkq9salavuz7wrvk