

  • 投稿日:2021/2/6
  • 96000 再生
  • 2000 いいね


爱赞助[2K60FPS]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YfNhaoQahbP6tKLkWxr1VRm5G6HmWpq5Wg5I4prbdII/edit?usp=sharingPatreon[2K60FPS]:https://www.patreon.com/shantianxiaozhiQQ群:743154274Discord:https://discord.gg/XBevhS9h2E※创作不易,转载请使用iwara版,并注明出处。新视频终于和大家见面啦,这个月主要把时间花费在了模型修改,Morph制作,动作制作上面。虽然很辛苦,但是也学到了很多新东西,也感谢那些帮助我的朋友们。如果觉得不错的话可以支持我的爱发电,我将非常感谢,购买的视频请勿外传,这对我很重要,也决定我以后是否会继续创作,感谢大家的理解。Finally my new video comes out, I spent most of the time on model editing, morph creating, and motion designing.Its hard but I learnt new stuff from it,thanks to those who helped me these days.For those who like my work I can orffer you a Patreon link,I really appreciate that if you can support.And please dont share the video on Patreon to others,this is important to me,and also decided if I can continue to create more stuff in the future.Thank you for your understanding.预告一下琴版本的Hibikase会很快出来,同时增加练舞室版和手机竖屏版,喜欢的朋友请关注我的iwara账号和爱发电以及Patreon,请务必不要错过。另外同时开放MotionDL,请大家自由创作!BTW, my video "HibikaseShow-JeanVer" will come out soon,plus danceRoomVer and MobileVer, if you like my work please follow my Iwara account / Afdian account / Patreon accountAnd for creators,I will offer you motion DL link, please feel free to use it to create more great works!Shantianxiaozhi