

  • 投稿日:2021/6/4
  • 40634 再生
  • 754 いいね


警告:视频中可能含有令人不适的内容!Warning: Video may contain uncomfortable content !不得不说,任天堂明星大乱斗是真的好玩。I have to say, Super Smash Bros. is so much fun.另有一点,有一部分小伙伴想让我把用的视频片段的出处标识出来。其实是可以的,但是我收集的视频,是按照角色名称分类的。如果有机会我会挨个把以前做的视频,按照时间点,把作者ID标出来。这个工程量很巨大,我还得一个个找来源。只能说尽量吧。因为我也是网上搜集的资源来制作的视频,没有获得视频作者的允许。我也不知道算不算侵权,如果有,请告知我,我会按照每条视频简介最下面的方法操作。我没有任何恰饭网站,纯粹是因为兴趣制作这些视频。给我点赞就是最好的支持。谢谢大家。On another note, some of you want me to identify the source of the video clips used.This is actually possible, but the videos I have collected are categorised by character name.If I get a chance I will go from video to video that I have done before and label them by point in time, with the author ID.It\'s a huge project and I\'ll have to find the sources one by one. Let\'s just say I\'ll try.Because I also made the videos from online sources, I didn\'t have the permission of the authors of the videos.I\'m not sure if that counts as copyright infringement, so if it does, please let me know and I\'ll follow the instructions at the bottom of each video blurb.I don\'t have any personal website, I made these videos purely out of interest.Giving me a like is the best support. Thank you all.如有侵权,请联系我删除。If there is any infringement, please contact me to delete.