

  • 投稿日:2021/8/20
  • 47751 再生
  • 1194 いいね


我入坑制作HMV的原因有两个:①有些HMV踩点完全不准,感觉只是单纯在视频上面添加一段音频,这样还不如标记视频合集。②当时PH下架了大批视频,把几百页的HMV删除到只剩20页。因此,我觉得我自己也能做出一些我自己喜欢的符合我自己想法和口味的HMV(类似你行你上)再加上,HMV是小众兴趣,如果能交到一些和我有同样兴趣爱好的小伙伴,那再好不过。但实际上,本质这些HMV是为我自己量身定做的。不过最近I站的HMV视频制作者或者转发者也开始逐渐增多,我觉得我也可以退坑了.毕竟看别人的视频(白嫖),比自己做出来要好得多.之前我在SpankBang网站上的账号,被官方删除掉了所有视频。具体原因我也不是很懂,但是转载我视频的账户却好好存在的。除此之外,我也无法在该网址上发送我的任何信息.有些小伙伴私信询问我的情况,我也没法准确表达出来.如果有人能在这里看见,希望也能大致让大家了解一下情况.后面如果要更新视频,我会直接放出来,也不做啥预告短片了.毕竟还是挺费时间的.有想要和我交流的小伙伴,可以直接评论或者私信我.我一有时间就会回复大家.I got into making HMVs for two reasons.① Some HMVs stepped out of place and felt like they were simply adding a piece of audio on top of the video, which would have been better than marking the video compilation.② At the time, PornHub took down a large number of videos and removed hundreds of pages of HMVs to just 20 pages.So I felt I could make some HMVs myself that I liked that fit my own ideas and tastesPlus, HMVs are a niche interest and it would be great to make friends with people who share my interests.But in reality, essentially these HMVs are tailor-made for me.But with the recent increase in the number of HMV video makers or re-posters on I-site, I think it\'s time for me to quit.After all, it\'s much better to watch someone else\'s videos (for nothing) than to make them myself.My account on the SpankBang website was officially deleted from all my videos.I don\'t know exactly why, but the account that republished my videos is still there.In addition, I can\'t send any of my messages on that site.Some of my friends have asked me privately about my situation, but I can\'t express it exactly.If anyone can see it here, I hope to give you a general idea of the situation.If I want to update the video later, I\'ll just release it without making any teaser clips. After all, it\'s still quite time-consuming.And if you want to talk to me, you can comment or message me directly.I\'ll get back to you as soon as I can.如有侵权,请联系我删除。If there is any infringement, please contact me to delete.