
NextGenLoli - Sara's Little Sister Fiona Debut

  • 投稿日:2021/8/26
  • 2897 再生
  • 77 いいね


This is a little bit of a double reveal, while i had no internet for the last week or so, ive been building and testing and lighting and designing the dance studio where the girls will perform dances...
All oiled up btw :P
This little loli cutie is Sara's younger sister Fiona. she loves cosplaying as cats or kittens usually.
She is the youngest loli ive attempted to make in HS2, which took a while, she might change a little mostly the face area or even hair if people have feedback, or like her the way she is, then thats cool.
motion is paparazzi dance
all my videos are non profit, and only on iwara. enjoy!
the Lean on dance videos have hit a bit of a stoppage point at the moment, for now, Solo loli dance studio videos are all my pc can handle until my new pc upgrade gets here in a few weeks time, then expect some lesbian, coitus, and multi loli dances to appear again in higher quality and smoother frames.