
[MMD-R18] Play + Vibrations Dance - Bianca

  • 投稿日:2021/9/6
  • 4573 再生
  • 192 いいね


Previous Pokemon videos where situated at the peak of a trainer's career, the Pokemon League. This time lets go back to the beginning, when a trainer receives the first Pokemon. The helpful Pokemon assistant Bianca is there for that duty in this hot Summer day. There are 3 options to choose as usual but perhaps something else is hidden ...
Better quality version here: https://mega.nz/file/s4NHEaxS#EA_oW2vF7TSNd-FTz1_iHQou_Q50FC8d4dK9PysxmGI
Model: Bianca by RanamonLoverMMD
Extra models:
- Wailord by SureInDragon
- Lanturn by CelestCSilvari
- Unfezant by Tsuna178
Stage: Seaside by lantiankoo
Song 1: Play by Chung Ha
Motion and camera 1 by NatsumiSan
Motion and camera 2 by Monotama