
康熙(白皇) Kangxi - 小鹿乱撞 (I'm feeling good) - R18

  • 投稿日:2022/7/28
  • 5306 再生
  • 252 いいね


Hello, this is Mosrp, and today I'm going to upload my 4th R18 MMD.
To be frank, this video was supposed to be uploaded yesterday. The reason why I didn't do so is that I find that there is a problem on one of Kangxi's feet when I load the ray.x. I spent two days to find if there is someone who can help me fix the problem because I just loved this model. And I did it! There is a quote says, "Where there is a will, there is a way." Many thanks to @ Nyexxi & @エンタープライズ who help me fix the problems of models. I do appreciate it.
Due to the time lag, I should be supposed to upload another edition of this song a couple of hours later to compensate the long time gone.
About this song, it's a Chinese song mixed with English, and it gives me the feeling like I'm sitting in the bar and watching the girls dancing in front of me. Perfect show, isn't it? The song came into famous in iwara in 2020, I was also attracted by it and dreamt of making a MMD with it as BGM, and it came to realize in 2022(~ ̄▽ ̄)~
All in all, thanks for your watching, and if you like this video and desire to watch HD Edition(339 MB), you can contact me via PM, and I will reply with Mediafire link later.
哈喽大家好哇,我是Mosrp,这是我第四个R18 MMD啦。
其实说实话,这个MMD应该在昨天就发布的,甚至是前天,但就是因为白皇康熙这个模型在用ray渲染时左腿表现有bug,很难看,让我想通过换腿解决问题(没错,之前第二个MMD Monster也有这个问题,只不过镜头转换太快我制作时都没发觉)。我自己尝试用PE改模没成功,所以我花了很长时间在找人帮忙改模型。没办法,这个模型的表情栏不可替代,我也不想放弃,就一直抱着一丝希望向i站各位大佬请教问题,最后 @エンタープライズ大佬终于帮我解决了,而且不到一分钟!!真的太强了QwQ. 其实之前的阴阳康熙模型的臀部也是有问题的,载入模型后再加动作后会出现很多碎片,所以我请教模型的作者@ Nyexxi帮忙解决,大哥很慷慨,也帮我解决了。所以我也才越来越觉得,付出不一定有回报,但不付出就一定没有回报。我愿意花时间在这个模型上,就是因为我喜欢这个模型不愿意放弃使用她,所以在自己尝试修改以及找人帮忙修改一路上不少坎坷,但我还是愿意趟过去。最近我的生活也出现一些转换,我要从以前不自信的心态转变为相信自己的心态,而做MMD这一路上更是让我感慨万千,我希望我的转变会有比以往不自信的自己收到更多回报,我会继续走好接下来的人生路。以上,与君共勉。