
康熙(白皇)Kangxi - Lamb - R18

  • 投稿日:2022/7/30
  • 7454 再生
  • 311 いいね


Hello there, it\'s Mosrp here, and right now I\'m going to upload my 6th R18 MMD video!This time I choose Lamb as the video\'s BGM because I really love it. All I know is the first R18 MMD I\'ve watched which make me heart beat quick uses this song as BGM, and it still prevails nowadays. What\'s more, the lighting I\'ve made in this video really impresses me. It can compare with the "Monster" MMD to some extent, personally, I think. Whatever, I just do hope that you will enjoy the video. Your support is my motivation to make more MMD.If you like this video and desire to watch HD Edition(1.19GB), you can contact me via PM, and I will reply with Mediafire link later.——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Hi大家好呀,我又来文艺复兴了!这已经是我第六个R18MMD啦~说实话,我真的超喜欢Lamb这首歌的。虽然是极乐净土带我领进门,但真的能让我心动的是看见一位大佬用这首歌做BGM,然后人物的动作的什么的都超级吸引我。这几天我心痒痒,想着这么好听的歌我一定要做一个好的MMD才对得起它!果不其然,这次MMD的打光我自己都觉得好看了一些,亮度正合适。简约的背景加上富有魅力的动作再加上这首超好听的Lamb,我觉得惊艳程度不亚于我之前做过的Monster.不过以上都是我自己的感受,甚至可以说是自嗨了哈哈哈。各位看官应该看过不少比我制作优秀得多的MMD,所以各位愿意来我这个小作坊捧个场已经让我非常满足了,谢谢各位!我也会继续努力的!如果你喜欢这个视频并且想看高清版本,你可以私信我,然后我会将Mediafire的网盘链接发给你(非常不好意思,不支持百度云网盘链接,还请谅解QwQ)