
康熙(白皇 暗金) Kangxi - Gimme×Gimme - R18

  • 投稿日:2022/8/5
  • 8863 再生
  • 320 いいね


Hi everyone, it\'s Mosrp here. Today I\'m going to upload my 8th R18 MMD.This time I use Gimme×Gimme as video\'s BGM, which was a popular song in 2019. I love the motion, especially when two girls are dancing together, adopting this motion.Additionally, since I can hardly handle the color and the lighting of the original Kangxi model (with armor on the right arm), before making the video, I turned to someone for help. After a few questions and response, I came to realize that I could use another color management tool which can help me better lighting the character. Then I tried the color named dark gold painted on her clothes, it seemed that worked. Of course, it still needs adjustment. I will improve it next time and I hope you would like the color I changed!Lastly, if you like this video and desire to watch HD Edition (1.09 GB), you can contact me via PM, and I will reply with Mediafire link later.———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————嗨大家好呀,我是Mosrp,这次我来上传我的第八个R18 MMD啦~其实我也一直想做Gimme×Gimme这首歌来着,因为不知道为啥我觉得这首歌的舞蹈动作很帅哈哈哈。康熙跳这支舞有种优雅且不失端庄的感觉,不过可能我手艺不佳没表现到位>﹏<另外,我这次把原来康熙的模型(就是左手臂有装甲的)颜色管理调整了一下。第一个极乐净土和第五个小鹿乱撞的视频,我用最初的模型打光什么的都不太行,原因就在于她服装图案有稍微的渐变色彩,所以上材质后反光和金属度都不好调整。在做这个MMD之前,我特意请教了一些大佬,后面经过大佬的介绍我得到了一款能改变材质颜色的控制器,所以这次我终于能好好调整她的金属度和颜色了!这次我选择暗金这种颜色,也是不经意间调整RGB的时候发现意外和康熙很搭,然后我就这么做下去了。当然,我对于现在的颜色还是有些不太满意,比如金属度是到位了,但好像整体的统一度没做好,我还需要再调整一下。希望下个视频我能做得更好些!同时我也希望你会喜欢我这次的调色QwQ不喜欢的话我也会好好改进的!最后,如果你喜欢这个视频并且想看高清版本,你可以私信我,然后我会将Mediafire的网盘链接发给你(非常不好意思,不支持百度云网盘链接,还请谅解QwQ)