
弱音Haku - CLC - R18

  • 投稿日:2022/10/11
  • 6081 再生
  • 242 いいね


Attention!!!This MMD video is not made by me!!!请注意!!!这不是我本人制作的MMD!!!————————————————————Hi everyone, it is Mosrp here. I would like to introduce this MMD video to you.This MMD is made by a friend of mine in the same MMD chatting group on Chinese internet. He is a little reserved, so he doesn\'t want to create his own account on iwara, and specifically asked me to upload it on behalf of him. It is pleasurable to cooperate with him, so I immediately accept his request. However, I have no idea if he would make another R18 MMD video, it depends.The model of Haku is so hot. To be honest, it was her body which drew my attention and made me continued to watch videos on iwara when I came here at first. Of course, I will make Haku MMD and try to make her dance with Kangxi one day. Let\'s wait and see😆New video of mine is under creation. Coming soon~If you like this video and desire to watch HD Edition (697MB), you can contact me via PM, and I will reply with Mediafire link later. Or if you want the collection of my videos, you can contact me via PM as well and I will reply with Mega link later.———————————————————————嗨各位好鸭,我是Mosrp这个MMD是我在一个MMD交流群认识的好盆友制作的。作者本人可能有些腼腆,所以由我来代替他上传他的作品。这么好的作品当然不能被埋没呀!!我还希望他多多做点呢。不过他说看情况,也就是啥时候心血来潮就做了噢,对辽,这其实也是相当于B站和i站互动的视频,表版地址在 这里 ,欢迎关注弱音大大噢,很厉害的!!我以后应该也会做弱音的MMD,我还想让她和康熙一起跳舞,大家拭目以待8~新视频也在制作当中啦,希望大家会喜欢🎈最后,如果你喜欢这个视频并且想看高清版本,你可以私信我,然后我会将Mediafire的网盘链接发给你(如果是合集的话,我会发Mega网盘)(另外非常不好意思,不支持百度云网盘链接,还请谅解QwQ)